Nabila Ishma kekasih Eril dan Adel.
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Siapa Paling Mesra? Nabila Ishma dan Adel Sama-sama Posting Tentang Eril, Nabila Ucap Kata-kata Romantis, Adel Ngaku Lagi Rindu

Kamis, 23 Juni 2022 - 13:14 WIB

Ya, Nabila Ishma disebut-sebut adalah kekasih Eril anak Ridwan Kamil.

Dalam postingannya di Instagram, perempuan cantik asal Bandung itu pun mengucap banyak pesan duka citanya kehilangn Eril, sang kekasih yang meninggal dunia setelah tenggelam di sungai Aare, Bern, Swiss bulan lalu.

Namun ternyata bukan hanya Nabila Ishma yang mencuri perhatian netizen, sahabat Eril bernama Adel pun tampak mencuri perhatian.

Sahabat Emmeril Kahn Mumtadz, Adel. (ist)

Ucapan duka cita Adel untuk sahabatnya, Eril yang sudah meninggal dunia kala itu ternyata berhasil menyentuh banyak perasaan netizen.

Tak hanya netizen, bahkan pesan menyentuh dari Adel, sang sahabat Eril itu mendapatkan reaksi positif dari ibunda Eril, Atalia Praratya atau Atalia Kamil.

"Clear blue river chimes on its flowing under Bern skies. One after another the white clouds are fleeting, warmly and broadly the south winds are blowing.

He has wandered into The Creator’s side. Swimming thoroughly. Mild and gentle, never stop giving warm for everyone around him. The sweetest love of his life he gave into simple things. He gave huge impact on everyone. Seeing how much people out there praying for him made me believe that he is truly an amazing person. It all be spoken without an effort. See? You are loved by so many, Ril.

Never thought this day would come when 2 days before you left, you’ve been pouring all your stories in your sage green shirt. We stroll around Cibadak and eat ‘gultik’ you’ve been craving for. And then, it happened. With more than 11.000 km away, these past week I am hoping for a miracle, there’s no a day I stop praying for you.

But the silence was unbroken, and the stillness gave no token.

So today I am walking you home. Allah is the best planner and listener. And He will hold you tight.

Deepest condolences for family

Thank you for always there through thick and thin, to suddenly popped out on my front door. Sail away to His shore, take care my forever bestfriend,"
tulis Adel.

Istri Ridwan Kamil, Atalia Praratya. (ist)

Kemudian pesan menyentuh hati itu pun dibalas oleh Atalia Praratya.

"Adelll… thank u for being his bestfriend.

Kamu yang sehat yaa. Salam utk temen2 semuanya. love,"
tulis Atalia Praratya.

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