"Entahlah, ini aku beritahu Dia (Tuhan)," jawab Soekarno seraya tertawa.
"Mr. President you're love the children has been so great. And as a student you were an agitator demonstrator. How do you feel about the children today who have started these demonstration (anti-Soekarno)?," tanya Cindy Adams antusias.
"Bapak Presiden kasih sayang anak-anak sudah begitu hebat. Dan sebagai siswa Anda adalah seorang demonstran agitator. Bagaimana perasaan Anda tentang anak-anak hari ini yang memulai demonstrasi ini (anti-Soekarno)?," tanya Cindy Adams antusias.
"I myself experienced that the beginning of my country that I was here, like this children. So I know that here in this children there is the seat, the seat of the future yep," jawab Soekarno.
"Saya sendiri mengalami bahwa awal negara saya ada di sini, seperti anak-anak ini. Jadi saya tahu di sini di anak-anak ini ada kursi, kursi masa depan ya," jawab Soekarno.
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